Thursday, April 22, 2010

An update with pictures and such

Because I have been so bad at updating anything lately (my blog, my facebook status, my calendar), I thought I would post an update full of pictures and the like. Chad and I have been very busy lately! Our past few weekends have been spent spending time with friends, participating in Refuge Community Church's first few public services, and getting ready for BGA. Speaking of BGA, we have *finally* decided on a name:
Adaline Grace Arnold
Chad and I just love this name and we love being able to call BGA Adaline. It makes the whole process much more personal when we are talking to and about her.
I also made my first midwife appointment which is on May 3rd, 2010. I'm very excited to meet my midwife and ask a multitude of questions about delivery, preparation, and breastfeeding. I'm so grateful that Denver Health has a midwife program. I was also able to go to our first interview with Rayma, a home day care provider. I really liked her and her home, and we have another interview scheduled in a few weeks. We plan to visit many more day cares, but this process is very draining. We ordered our stroller, a BOB stroller that is. :) Chad also assembled the crib before I got home one night (a very sweet surprise):
I'm also throwing in a picture of our sweet puppy, Willis, who is anxiously awaiting Adaline's arrival and has recently discovered that he can fit comfortably under her crib.
As I mentioned before, Chad and I have been busy busy lately.
We were able to go to a Rockie's game on opening weekend. It was beautiful outside and a perfect day for a baseball game.

We also spent some time in Boulder (where we ordered our stroller) last weekend. I just have to boast that the weather lately has been incredible! Well, except for today. Rain and thunder all day.
Boulder is just gorgeous in the spring.
Getting homemade ice cream, of course. Notice that belly. Ridiculous.

Last weekend, we also got to go to a crawfish boil at Nono's with The Whatley's. My heart and stomach have been craving Louisiana lately--and my stomach is now satisfied after I ate several pounds of crawfish. It definitely put me in a happy place...then the heartburn came and made me crabby for a bit. But, I would do it again every weekend if I could, heart burn and all.

Introducing the Whatley's.
Chad is not a big fan of the deliciousness that is crawfish. Although, and I am proud to say this, he learned how to eat them that day.

Finally, I have a few pictures from week 24 (1/2).

My belly is definitely growing, but I feel great other than occasional bouts of heartburn and some extreme emotions. Pregnancy has been good. And I am so very grateful that i have been able to truly enjoy this time. Now that I have written a book, I'm going to go read Baby Wise--more about this later.
-Mary Allyn

Thursday, April 8, 2010

22 Week update

Hello all! With a few friendly reminders, I have finally sat down to blog. :) I'm now 22 weeks and 4 days along in this pregnancy. *picture below* I feel great, too! I had a check up last week with my doctor, and everything is going well! BGA's heartbeat is strong at 145. The ultrasound results were also all VERY good.

Things have been busy busy busy around the Arnold Household, not to mention that BGA is really starting to move now. That is such an incredible feeling. Chad's mom (or Grammy) just left after spending a whirlwind weekend here in Denver. We we were able to look at baby furniture and Chad and her went skiing. It was a good time, for sure!

While Grammy was here, she got to experience two of the first services of Refuge Community Church. Chad and I have been part of a home church since September. We were graciously given the opportunity to start having services at Bethlehem Lutheran in Lakewood for FREE! What a blessing. Our Easter series was really amazing. We are also so very thankful for the community that Refuge offers Chad and I during this crazy transition and always. God has given us such good and genuine friendships here in Denver, when we are so far away from our parents and other dear friends of ours.

In nursery news, we have ordered our crib and it has come in! We will pick it up this weekend and Chad will put it together on Sunday. Pictures to come of the process and the final product). We have also received the tree decal we ordered! It will be a task to put it up, but we think it will be much better than painting. What do you think of the colors we chose to do the nursery in? (note the colors in the tree decal below):

I have been looking for a mobile to put above the crib. Thanks to (I love love love this website--its full of amazing homemade and manufactured products. It is also where I ordered the tree decal), I found several bird mobiles that I love. Here is my favorite one so far, what do you think?
In other random news, Chad and I plan to enjoy this beautiful Denver weather and go on a light hike this weekend. I officially do not fit in my (or others that friends have given me) ski pants, so I can longer go skiing with Chad. I was able to go skiing (with the blessing of my doctor) until about 3 1/2 months along.

well, I don't want to ramble on tonight. I feel like I have so much to write about. This is a definite sign that I need to blog more, and I will! More to come, promise.