Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Belly Tuesday!

Following the advice of my sister-in-law, Carrie, I have decided to start doing "Belly Tuesdays" and provide a picture update of my belly's growth progress. I feel like my belly has just POPPED! Seriously. I feel like I woke up last week and thought, "well, this isn't a pee belly". Its really there. The baby is growing and is healthy, as far as we know!
Here's me at 15 weeks:

Crazy, huh? You probably can't see it like I can see it. Its strange to have this new belly on me. But, be excited! I will try my very best to post a new picture every Tuesday!

In other news, I had my 15 week check up and Triple Screen on Monday. This test is to test for birth defects and genetic disorders like Down Syndrome. This test is optional to everyone, but is becoming more of the "norm" for expecting mothers now a days. The heart beat was strong and healthy at 140! They say (whoever "they" are) that a heart beat at 140 and below may be a boy. We'll see! My ultra sound is March 23. I'm super excited.

Chad and I just returned from Oklahoma to celebrate his grandparent's 60 wedding anniversary. Isn't that amazing? 60 years! I pray that Chad and I can be celebrating that one day with our family surrounding us.

Also, Papa Jim and Nana Sue (my parents) are coming to visit this weekend. We are very excited. The hope is to get the nursery cleaned out so it can become a "blank canvas".

I also thought I would add a few more pictures of my life as of late.

Here is me with Nana Arnold this past weekend:

Then, here is Shelbs and I at the boy's b-ball game last week. Shelby is getting married August 15 to Chris. We are so excited for them. I love having one of my very best friends so close. I love her, for sure. As a side note, as you can tell, I obviously love that hoodie.

Well, I'm off to take a nap with the newly groomed puppies, Willis and Ripley.

Blogs to come (and I promise, they will come eventually):

The Should Dos
Belly Yoga
Nursery Updates
Belly Tuesday!


  1. I love you too! Your little bump is so precious. :) Can't wait to see how it progresses over each Tuesday!

    <3 Shelbs

  2. Mary! You look great! Hope all continues to go well with your pregnancy. - Jen Benner
